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I’m a designer and researcher with experience in both academia and industry. I completed a Ph.D. in Creative Arts from the University of Brighton and a Master’s in Graphic Design from the University for the Creative Arts. My work has appeared in several respected journals, including The International Journal of Education Through Art. I've been on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Literature and Arts and a Fellow at the British Higher Education Academy since 2018.


My artwork has been exhibited in various countries like the USA, Spain, Portugal, Germany, UK, Italy, Canada, Japan, and the UAE. I've been teaching since 2007, working at universities across Europe, the UK, and the Middle East. I've also held leadership roles, including at SintLucas College in the Netherlands and the University of Northampton in the UK. Some of my students have achieved significant success, including top awards at The International Creative Conscience Awards in 2023 and in 2024.


I currently teach as an Assistant Professor in Visual Communications at the University of Sharjah and founded the @Arabic_graphicdesign platform to reflect current trends in Arabic design and culture. Recently, I've been focusing on blending Arabic typography with other languages through projects like "Seoul Speaks Arabic" in South Korea and my exhibition at the 60th Venice Biennale - Italy.







2018: Fellowship at The Higher Education Academy - UK

2018: Postgraduate Certificate in Research Degree Supervision, University of Northampton - UK

2016: Ph.D. in Creative Arts: Moving Image, University of Brighton - UK

2011: Master of Arts: Graphic Design, University for the Creative Arts - UK

2007: First Class (Hons) Bachelor of Arts: Visual Communication, University of Damascus - Syria



Academic Experience
Aug 2023 - present: Assistant Professor in Visual Communication - University of Sharjah - UAE
Nov 2022 - present: Academic Reviewer in Qeios - Publishing Platform for Academic Articles. 
Mar 2022 - Sep 2023: External Examiner, BA Graphic Communication & BA Art Practice, WSC | University of East Anglia
May 2017 - Sep 2023: Senior Lecturer in Graphic Communication Design, University of Northampton
Nov 2020 - Apr 2022: Programme Leader, BA Visual Communication Level 6, CiBAP College, Netherlands
Nov 2017 - Apr 2022: Programme Leader, BA Visual Communication Level 6, SintLucas College, Netherlands
Sep 2015 - Apr 2017: Sessional Lecturer, Visual Theory & Art History, BA Illustration & Animation, UCA Canterbury

Sep 2015 - Apr 2017: Dissertation Supervisor, BA Graphic Design, UCA Canterbury

Sep 2012 - Sep 2016: Visiting Lecturer, UCA Farnham & Epsom

Sep 2015 - Apr 2016: Sessional Lecturer, Visual Communication, Foundation, UCA Rochester

Sep - Dec 2016: 0.6 Lecturer, BA Illustration & Animation, UCA Canterbury

Sep 2013 - Sep 2014: Graduate Teaching Assistant, BA Graphic Design, UCA Maidstone

Sep 2013 - Sep 2014: Fellow Researcher, UCA Maidstone, Canterbury, UK

Jul 2013: Visiting Lecturer, The American University, Beirut

May 2012: Visiting Lecturer, The Institution of Art & Design, Prague

Sep 2008 - Sep 2010: 0.5 Lecturer, BA Visual Communication: Graphic Design, University of Damascus

Sep 2008 - Sep 2010: 0.5 Senior Lecturer, BA Visual Communication: Graphic Design & Illustration,

The Italian Private University of Science & Arts PUSA, Aleppo





Member of The One Club for Creativity. New York. USA

Member of The Editorial Board of International Journal of Literature and Arts (IJLA)

Member of INSEA: The International Society for Education Through Art - UK

Member of NSEAD: The National Society for Education in Art and Design - UK

Member of SAA: The Society for All Artists - UK



Professional Experience


2021: Certificate in Digital Skills: User Experience - Accenture - UK

2017/18 Course Developer and Writer of BA Visual Communication Level 6, SintLucas College, Netherlands

2018 Organizer & Judge, Art Society Northamptonshire, Poster Competition, Northampton

2018 Graphic Designer, Sense of Place & Purpose Multimedia exhibition, Marketwalk Center, Northampton

2018 Curator and Coordinator, Sense of Place & Purpose Multimedia exhibition, Marketwalk Center, Northampton

2017/18 Researcher & Designer, Blockchain Educational Passport Research Project, University of Northampton

2017/18 Chair, Organizer and Coordinator, Multidisciplinary Design Symposium, University of Northampton

2017/18 Web & Graphic Designer, Multidisciplinary Design Symposium, University of Northampton

2015 Graphic Design Supervisor, Edge Creative Agency, UCA Canterbury

2015 Graphic Designer & Researcher, Venice Agendas: Rights of Passage, Venice

2015 Film Director, Noye’s Flood Opera, Cambridge

2014 Film Editor, Visualization of Verdi Opera, Royal Opera House, Thurrock

2014 Workshop Leader, Visual Music, Wysing art centre, Cambridge

2010-2013: Freelance Designer, Imagination Group & Think Media, London

2004-2009: Senior Graphic Designer & Illustrator, Trade Dep., Thailand Embassy, Damascus

2008 -2009: Freelance Designer, SCAA Syrian Civil Aviation Authority, Damascus

2008: Freelance Designer, Presidential Palace, Damascus

2008: Freelance Designer, Ministry of Culture, Damascus: Capital of Arabic Culture Festival

2006-2011: Founder & Art Director, H.G Creative Agency, Damascus



Selected Exhibitions


2024: Dec. Whispers of Wonders.46 Rue Notre Dame de Nazareth. Paris. France

2024: Dec. Immersive Experience. Dundas St. Toronto. Canada.

2024.Oct. Mixing Identities. Palazo Albrazzi - Capello. 60th Art Biennale. Venice. Italy

2024: August. Horizons. Holy Art Gallery. London. UK

2024: July. Cultural Narratives. Arteria Gallery. Barcelona. Spain

2024: May. Seoul Speaks Arabic. Solo. Push to Enter Gallery. Seoul. South Korea

2024: Apr. Taouk, Etihad Gallery, Abu Dhabi, UAE

2024: April. Reviving Retro, Al Majaz, College of Fine Arts & Design, UoS, UAE

2023: Oct. Type as Form, Al Riwaq, College of Fine Arts & Design, UoS, UAE

2022: Sep. Tolerable Art Short Film, Online  

2018: Oct. Rhythm of Revolution, University of Ohio, USA
2018: Oct. Poetry Film festival, Bristol, UK
2018: Nov. Cornwall Book Festival, Cornwall, UK

2018: Feb. A Void & Traveling Bag, NAC Gallery, Paris

2017: Apr. Geographical Changes in War, AAG, Boston, USA

2016: Sep -Oct. My Homeland, Foyer Gallery, Farnham

2016: Sep. You & I, Ausstellung Im Hospitalhof, Stuttgart, Germany

2016: Jun. Timo, Lamitta, Experimental Short Films Collection, Amsterdam

2016: Feb - Mar. From Rochester with Love, [solo], Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury

2015: Oct. Skype Call with Mum, TIAF Festival, London

2015: Oct. Skype Call with Mum, Faces, Rama, Wells Art Contemporary, Wells

2015: May - Jun. Damascene Moon, Outside the Box: Short Film Exhibition, Paris

2014: Nov. Portrait, 6th Passion for Freedom, London Art Festival

2014: Oct. My Homeland, 51zero Film Festival, Rochester

2014: Oct. Greeting Cards from Reality, Quarter21 Museum, Vienna

2014: Sep. Liberated Word, International Poetry Film Festival, Bristol

2014: Feb. From Rochester with Love, International Directors Lounge, Berlin

2012: Nov. Rebellion, 4th Passion for Freedom, London Art Festival



Selected Conference Participations


2024: May. Bridging Theory and Practice: A Study of Research Methodologies In Visual Communication Education. The 19th International Conference on The Arts in Society. Seoul. S. Korea

2024: Feb. Ruined but not Forgotten: Syrian Cities Witness to Destruction & Loss at The Spatiality and Temporality International Conference, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, London

2023: Dec. Climate Action Through Creativity at The 5th International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Paris

Black Life Matters: Did It Change Our Perception of Art? 

The European Conference on Arts, Design, and Education, Portugal

2022: Jul. Tolerable Art: The shift in Perception of the Visual Representation

of Historical and Political Matters,17th International Conference on the Arts in Society, Spain

2022: Jun. Political Public Art, Annual Research Conference,University of Northampton

2018: Jun. Social Impact Case Study, Annual Research Conference, University of Northampton

2018: May. Images of war, Metropolitan Manchester University & University of London

2018: May. Art & Displacement, Yale Club London, University College London

2018: Feb. Without End, University of Northampton

2017: Apr. Geographical Changes in War, AAG, Boston, USA

2017: Jan. Design War and War Design, Innovative Art Center, Brussels

2016: Jun. Refugee Week, Huguenot Museum, Rochester

2016: Mar. The Art of Personal Moving Image, The Beaney Museum, Canterbury

2015: Apr. Bordering Strangeness, Royal Holloway, University of London

2014: May. Reflection on the process of Art Research, Annual Research Conference, UCA

2014: Feb. White Cube/Dark Cube Symposium, Canterbury Christ Church

2014: Oct. Stowaway & My Journey, Shoreditch Town Hall, London

2013: Sep. Practice based PhD Symposium, Guildhall, London



Selected Publications


Georges, H. (2022) Reconciliation with the Pain Through Embracing the Past: Message of Hope and Resilience

via the Ugaritic Alphabet. International Journal of Education Through Art. Volume 18, Number 3. pp. 411-416. 


Georges, H. Following another article; A Personal Perspective on the Relation between Creativity & Motherhood.

Interdisciplinary Humanities Journal. Volume 37, Number 1. pp. 110-120


Georges, H. (2016) Conversations in the Midst of the Syrian Conflict: Visual Response

to the Syrian Conflict Via the Personal and Domestic, (Ph.D. Thesis), British Library, London


Georges, H. (2011) Graphical Reality: Renovating Visual Figures, Self-published


Georges, H. (2011) Graphic Design in Conceptual Art, Self-published


Georges, H. (2010) Khas Jidan (Arabic poetry book), Damascus





2020: Jan. Management Fundamentals Programme, University of Northampton

2017: Jun. Thriving in Changing Environment, University of Northampton

2017: Jun. Introduction to Program Design, University of Northampton

2017: Jun. Academic Induction to QualityUniversity of Northampton

2017: May. Data Protection, University of Northampton

2017: May. Equality & Diversity in the Workplace, University of Northampton

2017: May. Identifying Students at Risk, University of Northampton

2017: May. Assessment & Feedback & Student Policy, University of Northampton

2017: May. Introduction to NILE/SAGE, University of Northampton

2016: Oct. Essentials of Teaching, Learning and Leadership, University of Northampton

2016: Oct. Reflective Practice for Learning and Teaching in the Creative Arts, UCA Canterbury

2012: Mar. Introduction to Learning, Teaching and Leadership, UCA Epsom

2008: Sep. Teaching at Higher Education Level, University of Damascus



Selected Awards


2015: The Independent Artist Fair Festival, London, Second Prize

2015: The Wac Awards, Wells Art Contemporary, shortlisted

2012: 4th Passion for Freedom Festival, London, shortlisted

2007: BA Graduate Award, Ministry of Higher Education, Syria, First Prize





2024: SEED Grant from The University of Sharjah. Research Title: Contemporary Arabic Graphic Design since 2010.

2022: ECR Grants Scheme funding for 'Tolerable Art' Research Project, UoN

2016: Grant for the Arts: Art Council England, funding for 'From Rochester with Love' solo exhibition

2016: Exhibition Support Grant, University for the Creative Arts

2015: Research Grant, University for the Creative Arts

2010: Grant for The First BA Graduate in Syria: Full Master and Doctoral Scholarship, University of Damascus



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